And then there were none
Unser rudernder-Querstrich-kochender-Querstrich-Gittarre-spielender Mitbewohner schauspielert auch noch in dem bischen Zeit die ihm noch so bleibt. Eben diesem letzten Hobby habe ich es zu verdanken, dass Vince und ich uns nach 5 Jahren nun endlich am Mittwoch zum ersten mal ein Theaterstueck zusammen angeschaut haben! Wer haette das gedacht (o:
Ian's playing (when he's not cooking or rowing) and thanks to that Vince and me watched our first play ever together: "And then there were none". I'd say we surely enjoyed it though I think the role of Captain Lombard (on the sofa) was much to easy for Ian to play - was pretty much himself I'd say (o:
Ian's playing (when he's not cooking or rowing) and thanks to that Vince and me watched our first play ever together: "And then there were none". I'd say we surely enjoyed it though I think the role of Captain Lombard (on the sofa) was much to easy for Ian to play - was pretty much himself I'd say (o: